Azerbaijan 250 Manat banknote of 1992

2019-01-10 Thu

Azerbaijan, the nation and former Soviet republic, is bounded by the Caspian Sea and the Caucasus Mountains, which span Asia and Europe. Its capital, Baku, is famed for its medieval walled Inner City. Within the Inner City lies the Palace of the Shirvanshahs, a royal retreat dating to the 15th century, and the centuries-old stone Maiden Tower, which dominates the city skyline.

The Manat is the currency of Azerbaijan which is subdivided into 100 q?pik. Today we are discussing a 250 Manat banknote issued in the year 1992.

This second Manat issue banknote has on its obverse the famous Maiden Tower in Baku, while the reverse has the denominational value in words and numbers written over an ornamental design.

The Maiden Tower that is depicted on the banknote is listed under the UNESCO World Heritage List of Historical Monuments as cultural property, Category III. It is one of Azerbaijan's most distinctive national emblems and is thus featured on Azeri currency notes and official letterheads.

Image Courtesy: eBay.com