Gold Square Tanks of Delhi Sultan Qutb Al-Din Mubarak Shah

2024-06-29 Sat

Delhi Sultan Qutb al-Din Mubarak was the ruler of the Khilji Dynasty. He ruled the Delhi Sultanate from 1316 CE until he was killed by Khusro Khan in 1320 CE.

Qutb Al-Din Mubarak Shah ruled Delhi for four years. During his reign, he issued coins made of gold, silver, copper, and Billon. Initially, the coins were round, but later, he introduced square-shaped coins in various denominations.

Qutb Al-Din Mubarak Shah issued a square gold tanka weighing 10.80g. It was minted at Hadrat Dar al-Khilafat and issued in the Hijri year 719.

The obverse is inscribed as Al Imam Al Azam Khalifa Rabb Al Alamin Qutb Al Dunya Wa'd Din Abu'l Muzaffar Mubarak Shah. The reverse is inscribed as Al Sultan Ibn Al Sultan Al Wathiq Billa Amir Al Muminin with in Square, Details in Margin.

Image Courtesy: Todywalla Auction