Tomb of Ahmad Shah Durrani on Afghanistan Banknote

2022-06-03 Fri

Ahmad Shah Durrani, also known as Ahmad Shah Abdali, was a founder of the Durrani Empire. He is considered the founder of the modern state of Afghanistan. He was appointed as the King of Afghanistan by a Loya jirga in Kandahar, where he set up his capital.

The Bank of Afghanistan issued 5000 Afghanis that depict the tomb of Ahmad Shah Durrani located near Bala-Hissar(fort) of Khandar in 1993. Khandar is the second-largest city in Afghanistan. The plan of Khandar is rectangular is divided into four sections by axil roads. Ahmad Shah Durrani's tomb lies in the northwest segment of the city. The tomb is octagonal and surmounted by a dome.

Image Courtesy: colnect.com